


This comic sometimes contains a lack of vocabulary,
a lack of clothing, a lack of good art skills and a lack of manners
that any civilized person would possess.
Consider yourself warned. ;-)

May 27, 2004


ART/STORY: Stephanie Schreiner EDITOR/MUSE: Morgan Okamoto

© 2002-2004
|First comic|*|Previous comic|*||*||*|

A little late I know but it's all good. ^_^ I'm going to try very hard to update when I'm supposed to. Hopefully participatingin Nanomango will help. Oh and I know Boom-Boom's book title got kind of squished, it says - 'Torture: In 10 Easy Ways'. Comic 5-27: Mucho hugs and thanks to Kawaiichan for this little strip! I laughed so hard in the middle of class, we got many dirty looks from TAs when we "took notes". ^_^ Thanks again hun! I love the deranged look in the squirrel's eyes.
I laughed my ass off! OO <-- My Ass! ^_^ Comic 5-27: Very Funny! It made me Giggle!

APR May 2004
25 26 27 28 29 30 1
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31 1 2 3 4 5

The characters and incidents portrayed in this comic are not fictional (most of the time), and any similarity to the characters or incidents means either A) you are one of my friends/family and unknowingly provided the base scan of the character, 2) you were there or X) you’re my alternate dimensional twin and weird shit happens to you too. Please do not distribute BB&S without my permisson or with the help of Keen's policy I'll sue your butt. Yay for the Keen! Also, all other images used in this strip are copywrited to their original creators.

Boom-Boom and Stoner is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.